Your Goals

Financial Planning Solutions for Your Unique Situation

When it comes to getting financial planning help, knowing where to start can be the hardest part of the process. Is it saving? Is it investing? Is it budgeting? Insurance? Taxes?

The truth is that comprehensive financial planning begins with you. It begins with your current financial circumstances and your goals for your future, financial and otherwise. Ivy League Financial Advisors understands that the most important word in “personal financial plan” is “personal.”

Since 1999, we have been serving people across the Washington, DC metro area who want to know that they are on the right track. We have helped people in every stage of life with objective financial planning solutions. We serve people in every stage of life, offering strategies tailored to both their immediate needs and their long-term interests. Our clients include:

  • Retirees. Retirees today need to think about how they will enjoy their next 20 or 30 years or more. Ivy League Financial Advisors can offer peace-of-mind by developing and monitoring comprehensive plans to maintain their lifestyle during retirement, as well as developing investment strategies to ensure that their retirement savings last their lifetime.
  • Pre-retirees. Those last few years for retirement are often present an opportunity to aggressively build a nest egg. Ivy League Financial Advisors will help you secure your retirement, while leaving enough income to enjoy the better things in life.
  • Corporate executives. Busy executives often struggle to find the time to manage their own financial affairs. Ivy League Financial Advisors has the expertise to build a financial plan that balances investment portfolios and takes advantage of opportunities to minimize taxes from stock options, bonuses, and other financial windfalls.
  • Physicians, attorneys, small-business owners, and entrepreneurs. With an intense focus on their practice or their business, physicians, attorneys, and entrepreneurs will benefit from the outside perspective of Ivy League Financial Advisors in fashioning a personal financial plan that allows them to focus on growing their business while also enjoying their lives.
  • Young professionals & families. For young professionals starting to earn a good salary, Ivy League Financial Advisors can help you take advantage of the power of time to with long-term savings and investment plans. For young families, new complications are added to the task of building a career. As families consider purchasing a larger home and setting aside college savings for their children, Ivy League Financial Advisors can construct a plan that puts priorities in order.

Contact us and find out how comprehensive financial advice can benefit you.