The Ivy League Difference

Ivy League Financial Advisors has been recognized as a top wealth advisor in the Washington, D.C. region since the firm was founded in 1999. Our holistic approach addresses all of your financial issues in the context of your life goals. That is The Ivy League Difference.

We are built on a simple principle: The client comes first.

This principle means that our advice is always delivered with our clients’ best interests in mind. We are fiduciaries who are required to place our clients’ financial interests ahead of our own. And when there’s a potential conflict of interest, we disclose it prior to our client making a financial decision. This stands in stark contrast investment brokers and insurance brokers, who are legally obligated to put their employer’s interests first and who have far less stringent disclosure requirements.

Our principles are embodied in our membership in NAPFA, the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors. Since 1983, NAPFA has been the conscience of the financial services industry. It has been the leader in about key issues of consumer protection, such as developing a strict definition of Fee-Only financial planning, raising educational standards for advisors, and creating the Fiduciary Oath.

Our Service Model

Our comprehensive financial planning services include analysis of your personal cash flow and balance sheettaxesinvestmentsretirement planninginsurance, children’s education funding, and estate planning.

How we deliver our services is just as important as what we deliver. Our service model allows us to address the issues that most concern our clients:

  • We build plans that take into consideration the entire financial universe for our clients;
  • We always have our clients’ best interests behind every financial recommendation;
  • We disclose all fees and potential conflicts of interest;
  • We provide clear and timely communication;
  • We answer questions and resolve problems quickly;
  • We keep clients informed of any events that might affect their finances;
  • We maintain current, in-depth knowledge industry knowledge;
  • We use advanced technology to manage investments accurately and efficiently; and
  • We care about our clients more than just their investments.

Contact us today to learn more about The Ivy League Difference.