
Lawyers know what it’s like to uphold a position of trust—and that’s exactly the role that Ivy League Financial Advisors plays for our clients. We are one of the top Washington, DC area firms to provide financial planning for lawyers because they understand that we take a fiduciary, client-centered approach to everything we do.

You’re a Fiduciary. So are we. Ivy League Financial operates as a fiduciary for our clients, just like you. We are required to put our client’s interests ahead of our own, to disclose how we are paid prior to an engagement, and to never take commissions or third-party fees for our advice. We like working with professionals who live by the same high standards.

You’re motivated to succeed. We understand the pressures of leading a busy professional life and taking care of clients with complex needs. We do the same thing. Our goal is to help you reach your goals—personally and professionally—by removing your questions about how to structure your financial future.

You need our help. With your focus on your career, you don’t have time to work on all the details of your finances. We can help you resolve these tough questions, and more:

  • What are your primary financial goals? Are you on track to reach them?
  • Are you over-leveraged financially?
  • Are you saving enough for retirement?
  • Are you maximizing your use of your firm’s benefits programs?
  • Do you have the proper types of health, life, disability, and long-term care insurance, and are you carrying the proper amounts?

As your financial partner and counsel, Ivy League Financial Advisors will develop and monitor a long-term, comprehensive financial plan designed for your unique needs. With security that your financial future is on the right track, you can turn your attention to your clients and your legal practice.