Business Planning

Since 1999, we have become a trusted resource for small-business owners and entrepreneurs in Maryland, DC, and Virginia. Our business planning and business financial planning services relieve business owners of distractions, so that they can focus on what really matters.

For example, few business owners would prefer to spend a great deal of time managing an employee benefits program than building their business. For these clients, Ivy League Financial Advisors brings our expertise to counsel a business owner on employee benefits, risk management, and numerous other issues of concern. That way, the human capital of the business can be deployed where it belongs—building the business.

When the issues require even greater depth of expertise and experience, Ivy League Financial Advisors work with the business owners’ other advisors, or we can bring in our own team of experts, such as accountants, business-valuation experts, employee benefit experts or insurance experts to provide counsel and support.

Business & Personal
Of course, most business owners find that their personal finances are wrapped up closely with their business finances. For that reason, an Ivy League Financial Advisors business plan will always be linked with an owner’s personal financial plan.

In tandem, we will provide recommendations about the ideal ways to structure these aspects of both the personal and the business plan:

  • Asset allocation and ongoing investment management advice
  • Retirement plan design and selection, including 401(k) plans
  • Employee benefits
  • Risk management
  • Estate planning
  • Cash flow management
  • Business valuations

Contact us today to start building a long-term plan that makes the best of your business and personal financial future.