Financial Planning Process

Define Relationship

Before we begin planning for your financial future, we meet to discuss how we’re going to work together to accomplish your life goals. This is also a time for you to ask us any questions you may have about how we operate as a firm.

Estate planning

is about much more than making sure you have a Will. We make sure that our clients have completed the necessary documents relating to leaving assets to the appropriate parties, dealing with estate taxes, handling issues of incapacity, as well as end of life issues.

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Discuss Goals & Concerns

At this stage, we sit down together and discuss your life goals and begin to develop a plan for funding them. Without knowing where you want to go, we can't help get you there! This is the time to ask a lot of questions and get to know each other.

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Cash Flow Analysis

We need to know your current income and expenses in order to gain a better understanding of resources that can be applied toward your financial goals. We also determine the appropriate size of your emergency fund.  

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Tax Analysis

Nobody likes to pay taxes, yet a thorough tax review is an essential component of your financial plan. We review your federal and state tax returns to determine if there are any strategies we can utilize to decrease your tax burden, thereby freeing up additional resources to apply towards meeting your goals.

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Investment Analysis

Because each person's goals and risk tolerance are unique, each investment portfolio review is tailored to the client's individual needs. We then make specific recommendations to ensure that all investments are in line with their overall goals and comprehensive financial plan.

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Retirement Planning

Am I saving enough to retire and maintain my current lifestyle? Should I keep working a few more years before I retire? When should I start taking Social Security? We address these topics and more, while providing you with a specific plan to achieve the retirement you desire.

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Insurance Analysis

Life insurance, long term care insurance and disability insurance are important tools that we use to mitigate major risks to our client's financial lives. While we do not sell any insurance products, we do review your current policies as well as make recommendations for any gaps in coverage.

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Education Analysis

At this stage we discuss your desires to fund higher education for your children or grandchildren. We run various scenarios including projections for both public and private schools and even post-graduate studies.

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