Young Professionals and Families

Families and young professionals have to contend with multiple financial planning issues at the same time. They face decisions about budgeting, investments, retirement savings, college savings, insurance, and more—all at the same time. It can be overwhelming, especially for people who are simultaneously trying to build their careers and enjoy their family life.

Ivy League Financial Advisors works with individuals and families in what is known as the “accumulation stage” to help make sense out of their choices and options. We provide financial planning for families that takes in long time horizons and reflects that people’s lives are going to change over decades. We help young professional make the right financial decisions so that they do not have to make big adjustments and play “catch up” as they near retirement age.

Our financial planning and budgeting services are designed to put positive financial habits in place that will last a lifetime. We start with a careful exploration of your goals, and we build a comprehensive financial plan that will meet your needs. Then, we meet with you on a regular basis and update that plan as your circumstances change.

Our /comprehensive-financial-planning/comprehensive-financial-planning include:

  • Budgeting and cash flow management
  • Asset allocation and ongoing investment management advice
  • Analysis of employer-provided retirement plan choices
  • Debt management
  • Insurance recommendations
  • College savings strategies
  • Tax strategies

Objective Advice

And remember that at every step of the way, our advice will be in your best interests. We are fee-only advisors, which means that we do not accept commissions or any form of compensation for the advice that we provide. From the first time we meet, we will give you objective advice without a hidden agenda. Our goal is to become your long-term partner as you and your family reach your goals.