Comprehensive Financial Planning

All of us today are inundated with fast-talking TV pundits and bold magazine headlines about the latest financial crisis. Yet research shows that effective financial planning comes from ignoring all of the noise and sticking with a long-term, achievable strategy.

Ivy League Financial Advisors’ fee-only financial planning builds on the principles of holistic service that looks at the big picture and the long term interests of our clients. Each of our comprehensive financial plans reflects our client’s individual priorities and needs. We do not have predetermined models that clients are expected to fit.

Our holistic financial planning process starts with goal-setting for both current and future needs. From this foundation, we build a comprehensive plan that balances all of your key concerns. Depending on your needs, your comprehensive financial plan will include some or all of these features:

  • Goal Identification
  • Cash flow and balance sheet analysis
  • Tax analysis
  • Investment analysis and asset allocation
  • Retirement planning
  • Insurance Analysis
  • Education funding analysis
  • Estate planning

Finalizing your initial financial plan may take several discussions over a period of months. But it will be worth it. When we present your plan, it will be truly comprehensive—not merely a list of generic investment recommendations that is the typical output of most so-called financial advisors.

Ivy League Financial Advisors will discuss each recommendation in the plan in-depth until you are confident that you understand the plan and the concepts that are embedded with it. If you are unclear about parts of the plan or you are not comfortable with our recommendations, we will make adjustments. Then, in future years, we will continue to make changes to fit new circumstances as they arise—all with an eye to giving you objective, fee-only advice on which you can rely.

Contact Ivy League Financial Advisors today for a free consultation about how comprehensive financial planning can change your life.